Seasons (PF8)

Perfect Fit allows you to track seasons. There are three areas where you can track seasons: inventory, order, and invoice.
When doing custom searches you need to be aware of which season field is the appropriate one to use for the search.
The seasons are entered under MenuSQL > Inventory > Definitions > Seasons/Categories.
Sort order is determined by the season code, but you can assign your own sort order.
You can mark a season inactive (see blue check box) if your drop-down list in inventory style master gets too long.

Inventory can be assigned (drop down)  a season code on the Style Master window (See Red Arrow).
This season field is IV_SEASON_CODE.

When an order is confirmed (OK), the first line item that is assigned an inventory season will be used to define the season for that order.
This season field is O_SEASON_CODE.  (See Arrow 1).
The Order Season Code is assigned when an order is inserted, edited, or the line items are changed when a stock# is marked not Current. It is NOT changed when the Edit Line button is used on the Order Detail Window.
The assignment is made by stepping through each line of the order detail window. The FIRST inventory season code encountered is used to update the order.
For example, if an order has three line items, and the first line has no inventory season assigned, the second line is inventory season 071, and the third line item is inventory season code 072, then the order will be assigned under season code 071.
If the second line is deleted, the order will be reassigned to season code 072.
There is another area in the order window for season code (See Arrow 2) which is order item season code. This is useful if you have an item
that is used season after season, but you want to report on that time period only. 

When an invoice is confirmed (OK), it will take the order season and put it in the field IN_SEASON_CODE. This field can be edited on the Invoice > Other Info window.

The order item season will also be added to the invoice (See Red Arrow). Now called ii_sea_code. This allows the same reporting as order reports.



Revised 4/3/2024 HS

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