RMS EDI Order Ship Address

RMS EDI Order Shipping Address

Using the 850ab Import window.
Select: Internal Shipping Rules
Check: Use New Rules

Internal Shipping Rules:
If STNUM (Store Number) and SHIPTO are different, ships to the SHIPTO (DC) that is associated with that store.
If STNUM and SHIPTO are the same, ships to the STNUM
SHIPTO is 0000 or blank, ships to the DC associated with that store.

Setup in PF:
Enter STORE addresses with Store# and Associated DC #.
Enter DC addresses with Store #0000 and DC #.

Customer wndow: Shipping button:

Shipping window, Additional addresses:

Multiple Shipping Addresses:
The top 4 addresses are Stores
The bottom 2 addresses are DC’s
Addresses 06 2015.05.07.jpg

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