Refund to a customer for a prepayment received that has not been applied to an invoice.
Refund by Check:
Insert (if not already done) a receipt account for the Suspense Account (3900).
Menus > Maintenance > User Lists > Group 2 > Receipt Accounts.
Find the Customer.
Commands > Receive Payment
Open the PREPAYMENT window if it does not open automatically.
Enter a check Received with a NEGATIVE amount, and select the Suspense Receipt Account.
Menus > Checks/Payables
Find or insert the customer as a vendor.
Insert a check for the POSITIVE amount against the suspense Account.
Refund by Wire:
Find the Order if the prepayment was originally linked to the order.
Commands > Receive Prepayment
Payment Type: Wire
Prepayment Amount is a NEGATIVE.
Click OK to save.
Refund a Prepayment using the Credit Card Module.
If the customer does not have any invoices on file:
Insert a Return Authorization (RA)
Process the Credit Card refund against the RA
Delete the RA
If the customer has an invoice:
Apply the prepayment to an invoice.
You might need to click “Load All” to bring up paid invoices.
Process the refund off this invoice.
Revised 1/15/15, AG
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