If additional data file segments are not automatically created during the rebuild, the NEW.df1 will fill up and you will get a “Data Files Full” message.

To rebuild data file if the second segment is not created automatically:
First, ensure you have a clean diagnostic then back up your data file.
(sometimes a rebuild is needed to get a clean diag, so this is not a hard and fast rule)
Go to Menus > Maintenance, then to Rebuild > File Control.
Uncheck all options except:
Create New.DF1
Base Files, No connection
click Start.

File > change Data files > open NEW
(important to insure the new segment is for the file named NEW
Go to Utilities and click on Add Segment.
(add as many segments as your original data file)

Go to Rebuild > File Control and uncheck the first two options
Click start

When done, check to see if the NEW file was renamed properly.

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