Paying a Payable

Payment can be entered on a payable via the Pay button on the Payable window, or it can be entered via the Pay Bills command from the Vendor window, or you can select a batch of bills for multiple vendors. Each method is discussed below. Note that a payable must be posted before it can be paid.

Method 1
To enter payment from the Payable window go to Menus > Checks/Payables > Checkbook > Payables. Find the desired payable then press the Pay button in the bottom left, which will open the Pay Bills window.

Tab through the fields of the Pay Bills window and fill out as necessary. You can select the bank account to pay from the dropdown in the bottom right. You can also select the payment method in the second dropdown, below the bank account. Press OK when you’re done.

Method 2
To enter payment via the Pay Bills command in the Vendor window go to Menus > Vendors and find the desired vendor. Then press the Pay Bills button.

Tab through the fields of the Pay Bills window and fill out as necessary. Alternately, if there are multiple bills displayed and you want to pay all of them press the Pay All button. You can select the bank account to pay from the dropdown in the bottom right. You can also select the payment method in the second dropdown, which is below the bank account. Press OK when you’re done.

Method 3
To enter batch payment via the Pay Bills command in the Vendor window go to Menus > Vendors > Checkbook > ..List Open Bills. A window will open showing a list of all open payables for all vendors including the payable details. Note that the asterisk in the far left column indicates an unposted payable.

Select the payable you want to pay by highlighting it. Hold down the Cntrl (apple key on Macs) to select multiple lines. Alternatively, you can click the Select command to bring up several other methods of bill selection.

Once you have selected the bills you want to pay, press the Actions command, and click Pay Bills. You will then be prompted to enter a check for the paid payable(s).


Edited 7-3-2020 by SH

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