Cut Tickets: Parts Used Button

Opens the “Part Used for Cut Ticket # –” window.

This window allows you to adjust allocations and enter raw material usage.
You do not have to receive an entire cut ticket to adjust Parts Used.
This window will calculate the percentage of the total units received to date.

Insert Total Used button
Allows you to remove Allocations and insert quantities Actually Used for this cut ticket. Enter a positive number in Remove from Allocation.
Click on the Load Used button to enter all allocations as Actually Used This Time. If you have only received part of the cut ticket, enter the quantity received in the box in the lower left part of window. The Load Used button will now enter this percentage of allocations as Actually Used.
Tracking partially completed Cut Tickets is much more complex than waiting until the Cut is Complete.

Reports > Parts ..Used
Shows Number of Units Received and Average Cost per Unit.
Parts are subtotaled by Part Category
Search by Season: Season as defined on the Cut Ticket window.

Cut Ticket > Parts Used > Print
This report has same information as above report, but also shows margin and percent profit, based on the Level 1 Sell Price of the first Style on the Cut Ticket.

Use the Parts button and Description button at the top of the window to change the sorted order of the list.

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