To run a report that will show adjustments according to Adjustment Reason, do the following:

You should first familiarize yourself with your Adjustment Reason codes. These can be found under Menus > Inventory > Definitions > Adjustment Reasons.

Now go under Reports > Movements > Finished Goods, and select Custom Search. This will override any other choices you may have selected, including the Date Range. Click Ok, choose your report destination and click Ok again, then click Modify. This will bring up the Search INVENTORY_MOVE window. There may already be information entered on the top few lines; to clear them out, hit Ctrl-D on your keyboard.

Now you are ready to enter your parameters.

Highlight line number 1
In Comparison Field, enter IM_A_CODE
Click next to Equal to
In Comparison Value, enter the Adjustment Reason code you want to search.

Highlight line number 2
In Comparison Field, enter IM_DATE
Click next to Greater than or equal
In Comparison Value, enter the BEGINNING of your date range (use standard mm/dd/yy format, i.e. June 10, 2002 would be entered as 6/10/02)

Highlight line number 3
In Comparison Field, enter IM_DATE (again)
Click next to Less than or equal
In Comparison Value, enter the END of your date range, using the same format as you did on line 2
Now close the window to run the report.

You can use any search parameters after the first one.

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