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Each Raw Material in Perfect Fit can be tracked by lots.
To turn on lot tracking pull up the raw material in the Parts for Manufacture/Raw Materials window.
Press Edit then place a check in the Lot Tracking box and press OK.
The Parts for Manufacture/Raw Materials window will now have a Lots button beneath the Lot Tracking box.
Press the Lots button to open the window that will display your Lot details.
There are several ways the lot information can be entered. The first is via the Insert button in the Part Lots window and entering the details.
The second way occurs when entering the part on a Raw Material PO where you will be prompted to Insert a new lot of the part.
The third way is when receiving the part on a Raw Material PO where you will be prompted to enter the lot information.
The example below shows 3 lots entered for part FK-R. Note that lots 49 and 52 have units in stock and lot 53 does not. This is because lot 53 has 78 units
on a PO which have yet to be received.
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