The total of all Transaction Details for a single account for a single month is stored in a single record in the summary file.

The GL Summary file (ACTBAL) is updated from the Detail Transaction file (FTR) when opening the program.

To examine this relationship:
Go to Account Categories > Summary History.
Double click a line to examine a month.
A window will open showing the underlying detail.
The balance in the lower left corner should correspond to the summary activity.
If the period has been closed you may need to click on the “No Opening/Closing” button to filter out only the activity amounts.

You can compare all accounts by running an Invoice Statement or Trial Balance under the TRX Reports, and compare that to the same reports under the Summary Reports

If these numbers do not agree, you will need to run the Summary Maintenance procedures, using the button on the History window.

Revised: 2/16/16 AG

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