Inventory Active Fields (PF8 SQL)

This list will give you a list of the active Inventory fields.

You can’t use the “ * ” to denote all fields which is standard SQL.
There are too many fields in the Inventory table to use the *. This list of fields below includes the core inventory data.

MenusSQL > SQL Command Center  (Ctrl + F7). Access must be granted by your administrator.

Click New

Copy (between the two lines below) and Paste here:


, ivnum
, ivstyle
, iv_colorcode
, iv_color_desc
, iv_design_code
, iv_design_desc
, ivsize_cat

, ivdesc
, ivdesc_upp
, iv_current
, iv_service
, iv_uom

, iv_div_code
, iv_collection_code
, iv_season_code

, iv_cost
, iv_value

, iv_sellprice1
, iv_sellprice2
, iv_sellprice3
, iv_sellprice4
, iv_sellprice5
, iv_sellprice6

, iv_srp
, iv_walkin_pricelevel
, iv_cut_price
, iv_sew_price

, ivoffer1
, ivoffer2
, ivoffer3
, ivoffer4
, ivoffer5
, ivoffer6
, ivoffer7
, ivoffer8
, ivoffer9
, ivoffer10
, ivoffer11
, ivoffer12

, iv_vcode
, iv_vend_stock
, iv_vend_price

, iv_source
, ivnum_sort

, iv_comm_pcent
, iv_comm_exclude
, iv_colcode_grnd
, iv_warning_msg
, iv_onhold

, iv_class1
, iv_class2
, iv_class3
, iv_class4
, iv_class5
, iv_class6
, iv_class7
, iv_class8

, iv_qtylevel1
, iv_qtylevel2
, iv_qtylevel3
, iv_qtylevel4
, iv_selldisc1
, iv_selldisc2
, iv_selldisc3
, iv_selldisc4
, iv_selldisc5

, iv_category1
, iv_category2
, iv_category3
, iv_category4

, iv_sale_aunum
, iv_asset_aunum
, iv_invpend_aunum
, iv_invcost_aunum

, iv_kit
, iv_kitdiscount

, iv_serialnum
, iv_nosize
, iv_bin
, iv_bin2

, iv_base_stock
, iv_ovrhd_pcent
, ivyardage
, iv_taxstatus
, iv_memo
, iv_embtype

, iv_roy_vcode
, iv_roy_pcent
, iv_roy_vcode2
, iv_roy_pcent2
, iv_roy_fixed
, iv_roy_fixed2
, iv_roy_level
, iv_roy_team
, iv_roy_art

, iv_weight
, iv_weight_uom
, iv_pack_weight
, iv_pack_volume
, iv_inner_pack
, iv_pack_name
, iv_pack_units

, iv_fob_base
, iv_imp_desc1
, iv_imp_desc2
, iv_imp_desc3
, iv_imp_desc4
, iv_imp_desc5
, iv_imp_desc6
, iv_imp_desc7
, iv_imp_desc8
, iv_imp_desc9
, iv_imp_desc10
, iv_imp_pct1
, iv_imp_pct2
, iv_imp_pct3
, iv_imp_pct4
, iv_imp_pct5
, iv_imp_pct6
, iv_imp_cost1
, iv_imp_cost2
, iv_imp_cost3
, iv_imp_cost4

, iv_ip_code
, iv_uom_po
, iv_conversion
, iv_fob_pct

, iv_price_cur1
, iv_price_cur2
, iv_price_cur3
, iv_price_cur4
, iv_price_cur5
, iv_price_cur6

, iv_firstdate_sold
, iv_discontinued_dt
, iv_last_sale_dt
, iv_last_rcvd_dt
, iv_verified_qty_dt
, iv_first_avail_dt

, iv_checkbox1
, iv_text1
, iv_text2
, iv_text3
, iv_text4
, iv_text5

, iv_date1
, iv_date2
, iv_date3
, iv_date4

, iv_last_vcode
, iv_last_price
, iv_dye_price
, iv_vend_price_fc

, iv_dimensions
, iv_volume
, iv_pack_dimensions
, iv_desc_purchasing
, iv_rx_location
, iv_pack_barcode
, iv_unit_barcode
, iv_memo_purchasing
, iv_manuf_time
, iv_shipping_time
, iv_customscode
, iv_customsdesc
, iv_loadingport
, iv_pack_length
, iv_pack_width
, iv_pack_height

, ivreorder1
, ivreorder2
, ivreorder3
, ivreorder4
, ivreorder5
, ivreorder6
, ivreorder7
, ivreorder8
, ivreorder9
, ivreorder10
, ivreorder11
, ivreorder12

, iv_ordto_1
, iv_ordto_2
, iv_ordto_3
, iv_ordto_4
, iv_ordto_5
, iv_ordto_6
, iv_ordto_7
, iv_ordto_8
, iv_ordto_9
, iv_ordto_10
, iv_ordto_11
, iv_ordto_12

, iv_nickname
, iv_duty_pcnt
, iv_meas_group
, iv_oi_desc
, iv_manufactured
, iv_part
, iv_blpo_num
, iv_blpo_memo
, iv_blpo_qtyremaining
, iv_sql_UPDATE
, iv_imagefile

, iv_noupdate_cost
, iv_seo_url
, iv_online_html
, iv_season_year

, iv_parts_embpo_excptn
, iv_parts_invc_excptn
, iv_purchase_prepack
, iv_country_origin
, iv_serial_rqrd
, iv_tax_tiered
, iv_nuo_upload
, iv_nuo_brand_id
, iv_use_discount

, iv_pur_min_stock
, iv_pur_min_style

FROM inventory
WHERE ivnum LIKE ‘1%’;

Click Save and Name it Inventory All Active Fields

Click Execute or Excel (See Red Arrows). You will then see a list of all your active inventory fields.

Added by HS 3/29/24

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