To charge interest on Past due Invoices, go to Invoices > Reports > Receivables > Statements/Interest.

The window opens showing all customers with a balance due in the left list. To reload the list with customers only with older invoices, click the button at the top, “Reload Past 30 Days Only”. See Preference #25 to change the cut off number of days.

Double click the names in the left list to move them to the right list. Names in the Right list will will be processed (print statement, or insert interest invoice). Use the shortcut “None”, “All”, or “Flip” buttons to speed data entry.

After the customer selection has been made, click the Insert Interest Invoices. WARNING: this procedure automatically inserts invoices. It can be reversed only by Voiding the Invoices, one at a time.
*Note: If statements are not created, check the Customer/Vendor Terms under Menus > Maintenance > User Lists > Customer Vendor Terms. The Send Statements box must be checked for statements to be made for customers with those Terms.

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