Use this technique only when the DATA FILE BROWSER is not enabled for a particular File, or when doing an Omnis Data Transfer.
Before importing make a Backup of your data file. Then proceed as follows:
1. Go to Maintenance > Utilities > Set Read/Write.
2. Go to Menus > Maintenance > Utilities > Import Data.
3. Select Delimited (Tabs) and click OK
4. Select the File you want to Import
5. Click the Floppy Disk icon in the top left of the window and choose “Select Library”. Then Select “PF” and press OK.
6. Click the Floppy Disk icon in the top left of the window and choose “Load Fields from File Class”.
7. Select which Data Class you will be updating.
8. Set up the Field List to correspond to the fields as defined for each column of the spreadsheet. You can type and/or use Cntrl -D/Cmd-D to delete a line (Hold down the keys to continually delete lines). Note that there must be a one-to-one correspondence between the field list and your spreadsheet columns.
9. Click Start when ready.
9a. If Customers or Vendors are imported, you must run the Import Update procedure. For Customers: Menus > Maintenance > Prog > Procedures > Procedures1 > Customer Import Update. For Vendors: Menus > Maintenance > Prog > Procedures > Procedures1 > Vendor Import Update.
10. Do a spot check of records imported; look at the records in PERFECT FIT.
11. Run diagnostic Report, Print All.
12. Warning: Quit and re-open PERFECT FIT before doing any Inserts or Edits.
Revised 8/7/20 – SH
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