How to find everyone who has bounced a check:

You must use the Bounced check option under commands to use this feature.

Go to Menus > Ledger. TRX Reports > Audit trail.
Select custom search and click OK.
Select destination.
On the Search Formats window, Click Modify.
Clear search format. Modify > Clear format.
On line 1, enter TDESC in Comparison field.
Select Begins with.

Enter Bounced in the comparison value. This is case sensitive.
This will find all the checks that have been entered as bounced, itemized by how they have been applied to invoices.


Enter BOUNCE in the comparison value. This is case sensitive.
This will find all the checks that have been entered as bounced, itemized by individual checks and what bank they were deposited to.

For either option above, if you want to limit the range by date enter on line 2:
Enter TPDATE in Comparison field.
Select Greater or less than as the case may be. Two lines can be used to “bracket” the dates desired.
Enter Date (‘2/12/2007’) in the Comparison value.

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