Exporting Inventory

There are several ways of exporting inventory data from Perfect Fit.

Method 1:

Menus > Inventory
Reports > Finished Inventory

Select “Export 1 Line per Size includes UPC”, and select the type of Search and press OK.
Then select the save destination and name when prompted.
Note: To export directly to Excel place a “.xls” extension, without quotations, at the end of the name.
Export 1 Line Per Size 03 2012.08.06.jpg

Method 2:

Menus > Inventory
Reports > Status > Current Status

Select “Quantities” and check the “Export” box. Also, select “All” and check the “Current Only” box.
Note: To export directly to Excel place a “.xls” extension, without quotations, at the end of the name.
Current Status 2012.08.21.jpg

Method 2a:

Note: This method requires the installation of a customized external file mapped to the clients’ specifications.

Menus > Inventory
Reports > Status > Current Status

Select “Quantities”, check the “Export” box, and check the “Custom Mapping” box. Also, select “All” and check the “Current Only” box.
Custom Mapping 08 2012.08.21.jpg

Method 3:

Note: This method requires the installation of a customized external file mapped to the clients’ specifications.

Menus > Orders from Customers
Reports > CReports > *Name determined by customer specifications.

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