Email failure

There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to send e-mail from within PERFECT FIT.

1.Batch Emailing – Error Code -1236 – SMTP : 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable.  Batch emailing can cause your server quota to max out.  Set the Delay to a greater number to prevent this from happening.  Recommended to start at 2 seconds and increase from there.

2. E-Mail requires SSL
Omnis Studio 4.2 and 4.3 do not support SSL
The next versions of Omnis (5, 6) do support SSL.
We have not yet converted PF7 to run on this new Omnis, although we do not foresee difficult problems.
The next version of Omnis will require ALL workstation to be upgraded at the same time, and new Serial Numbers for which there will be a charge.
An alternative is to use an Open Mail Relay
This service is provided by among others.

Revised 11/4/20 SH

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