Email Error Codes

Web Command Error Codes

Error codes marked with * are received in responses from the FTP server, and then returned as the result of FTP command execution.

Error Code Error Text
-501 Incorrect parameter type
-502 Error getting information about a parameter
-503 Incorrect number of parameters
-504 The command can only decode streams of characters (in a character variable)
-506 Unrecognised command
-507 Error locking handle
-508 Bad list generated by command
-509 Bad socket passed to command
-511 No address specified
-512 Could not open ICMP handle
-513 Could not start timer
-516 The end-user cancelled the request
-517 Bad option passed to TCPClose
-522 Timeout while waiting for response or request
-523 Badly formatted response from server
-524 Response from server is too short
-525 Response from server has incorrect syntax
-1010 Out of memory
-1012 Unix TCPPing requires a raw socket: only processes with an effective user id of zero or the CAP_NET_RAW capability are allowed to open raw sockets
-1013 Cannot do TCPPing on Win32 without icmp.dll
-1014 Attempt to perform secure operation on non-secure connection
-1015 Attempt to make an already secure connection secure
-1016 Cannot load Perhaps OpenSSL is not installed
-1017 A required function is missing from
-1018 Cannot request a partial closure of a secure connection
-1019 Error setting up secure library threading
-1020 Error seeding Pseudo Random Number Generator
-1021 The OpenSSL library returned an error; call WebDevGetSecureError for more information
-1022 Invalid secure object passed to wesecure
-1023 Unknown error returned by OpenSSL library
-1024 Unable to get a suitable Omnis folder for CA certificates
-1025 Cannot open cacerts.pem
-1026 Cannot get find handle to list CA certificates
-1027 cacerts folder does not contain any CA certificates
-1028 Error getting next certificate file
-1029 Unable to open CA certificate
-1030 Wesecure initialization failed
-1031 Error establishing secure connection
-1032 Buffer overflow would occur because a field is too long
-1105* Need FTP account for storing files
-1106* Requested FTP action aborted: page type unknown
-1107* Requested FTP file action aborted. Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or dataset)
-1108* Requested FTP action not taken. File name not allowed
-1109* Requested FTP action aborted: local error in processing
-1110* FTP file not found, or no access to file
-1116 Parameter passed to FTP command is too long
-1117 Parameter passed to FTP command contains invalid characters
-1119* FTP Restart marker reply
-1120* FTP serviceready in nnn minutes
-1121* FTP data connection already open; transfer starting
-1122* FTP file status okay; about to open data connection
-1123* FTP user name okay, need password
-1124* Unrecognised FTP positive preliminary reply
-1125* Unrecognised FTP positive intermediate reply
-1126* Unrecognised FTP transient negative completion reply
-1127* Unrecognised FTP permanent negative completion reply
-1129 Could not extract server IP address and port from response to FTP command PASV
-1130 FTP transfer type must be zero (for ASCII) or one (for binary)
-1131 FTP could not open local file
-1132 Error while FTP was reading or writing the local file
-1134* Need account for FTP login
-1135* Requested FTP file action pending further information
-1136* FTP service not available, closing control connection
-1137* Cannot open FTP data connection
-1138* FTP connection closed; transfer aborted
-1139* Requested FTP file action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file busy)
-1142* Requested FTP action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system
-1143* Syntax error: FTP command unrecognized or too long
-1144* Syntax error in FTP parameters or arguments
-1145* FTP command not implemented
-1146* Bad sequence of FTP commands
-1147* FTP command not implemented for that parameter
-1148* Not logged in to FTP server
-1149* Unrecognised response from FTP server
-1150 Must use passive FTP when the connection is secure
-1151 FTP server response to AUTH TLS command does not allow a secure connection to be established
-1154 Unable to determine end of HTTP header
-1161 Incomplete HTML tag
-1180 Parameter passed to HTTP command is too long
-1181 Post with CGI parameters sends CGI parameters as content: cannot supply content-type/length header in header list
-1182 Received HTTP request is badly formatted
-1183 Received HTTP request does not contain the HTTP version
-1184 Received HTTP request contains badly formatted CGI parameters
-1185 Invalid HTTP status code – must be 1-999
-1186 The client HTTP application closed the connection
-1187 The client HTTP application did not send a Content-Length header
-1188 The maximum response size specified in the call to HTTPRead was exceeded
-1205 SMTP: 435 Unable to authenticate at present
-1206 The SMTP server does not support authentication
-1207 SMTP: 535 Incorrect authentication data
-1208 SMTP: 432 A password transition is needed
-1209 SMTP: 534 The authentication mechanism is too weak
-1210 SMTP: 538 Encryption is required for requested authentication mechanism
-1211 SMTP: 454 Temporary authentication failure
-1212 SMTP: 530 Authentication is required
-1213 Unexpected response from server during authentication
-1214 SMTP: OK Authenticated
-1215 SMTP: continue command
-1216 Required type of authentication (PLAIN or LOGIN) not supported by SMTP server
-1217 The response to the EHLO command could not be parsed
-1218 Parameter passed to mail command is too long
-1219 SMTP: Unrecognised response from SMTP server
-1220 SMTP: 211 System status, or system help reply
-1221 SMTP: 214 Help message
-1222 SMTP: 220 <domain> Service ready
-1223 SMTP: 221 <domain> Service closing transmission channel
-1224 SMTP: 250 Requested mail action okay, completed
-1225 SMTP: 251 User not local; will forward to <forward-path>
-1226 SMTP: 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
-1227 SMTP: 421 <domain> Service not available, closing transmission channel
-1228 SMTP: 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable [E.g., mailbox busy]
-1229 SMTP: 451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing
-1230 SMTP: 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage
-1231 SMTP: 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
-1232 SMTP: 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
-1233 SMTP: 502 Command not implemented
-1234 SMTP: 503 Bad sequence of commands
-1235 SMTP: 504 Command parameter not implemented
-1236 SMTP: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
-1237 SMTP: 551 User not local; please try <forward-path>
-1238 SMTP: 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
-1239 SMTP: 553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed
-1240 SMTP: 554 Transaction failed
-1241 Error decoding quoted printable or base 64 encoded data
-1242 Body part list is inconsistent – cannot build MIME content
-1244 POP3: error received from server
-1245 POP3: could not extract message size from response to LIST command
-1246 POP3: message received from server is too large (does not match size in LIST command response)
-1260 IMAP: invalid response received from server
-1261 IMAP: invalid tag received from server
-1262 IMAP: invalid greeting message received from server
-1263 IMAP: connection rejected by server (BYE received in greeting message)
-1264 IMAP: the server does not support plain or CRAM-MD5 authentication
-1265 IMAP: the server does not support the STARTTLS command, so a secure connection cannot be established
-1266 IMAP: the server response to the CAPABILITY command was incorrect
-1267 IMAP: the server must support IMAP4rev1, but it does not indicate that in its CAPABILITY response
-1268 IMAP: the server response to the STARTTLS command was incorrect
-1269 IMAP: parameter passed to command is too long
-1270 IMAP: login was rejected because the user name or password was incorrect
-1271 IMAP: the server response to the LOGIN command was incorrect
-1272 IMAP: the server response to the LOGOUT command was incorrect (network connection has been closed)
-1273 IMAP: the secure parameter to IMAPConnect is invalid
-1274 IMAP: the server response to the AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5 command was incorrect
-1275 IMAP: error decoding base64 response to AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5 command
-1276 IMAP: the server response to the LIST or LSUB command was incorrect
-1277 IMAP: the server response to the SELECT command was incorrect
-1278 IMAP: missing output list parameter
-1279 IMAP: the server response to the SUBSCRIBE command was incorrect
-1280 IMAP: the server response to the UNSUBSCRIBE command was incorrect
-1281 IMAP: the server response to the STORE command was incorrect
-1282 IMAP: the server response to the RENAME command was incorrect
-1283 IMAP: the server response to the EXPUNGE command was incorrect
-1284 IMAP: the server response to the DELETE command was incorrect
-1285 IMAP: the server response to the CREATE command was incorrect
-1286 IMAP: the server response to the COPY command was incorrect
-1287 IMAP: Incorrect FETCH response message sequence number when listing messages
-1288 IMAP: the server response to the FETCH command was incorrect when listing messages
-1289 IMAP: No flags returned in FETCH response when listing messages
-1290 IMAP: No size returned in FETCH response when listing messages
-1291 IMAP: No UID returned in FETCH response when listing messages
-1292 IMAP: Flags in response are not terminated by close parenthesis
-1293 IMAP: Invalid integer value in FETCH response when listing messages
-1294 IMAP: FETCH response not terminated with close parenthesis when listing messages
-1295 IMAP: No INTERNALDATE returned in FETCH response when listing messages
-1296 IMAP: INTERNALDATE returned in FETCH response when listing messages is not correctly enclosed in double quotes
-1297 IMAP: FETCH response incomplete
-1298 IMAP: the server response to the FETCH command was incorrect when receiving a message or headers
-1299 IMAP: bad message length in FETCH response
-1300 IMAP: unrecognized data item in response when FETCHing message or headers
-1301 IMAP: the server response to the NOOP command was incorrect
-1302 IMAP: the server response to the CHECK command was incorrect
-10004 Socket error: Interrupted function call
-10009 Socket error: Bad file descriptor
-10013 Socket error: Permission denied
-10014 Socket error: Bad address
-10022 Socket error: Invalid argument
-10024 Socket error: Too many open files
-10035 Socket error: The command would block
-10036 Socket error: Operation now in progress
-10037 Socket error: Operation already in progress
-10038 Socket error: Socket operation on non-socket
-10039 Socket error: Destination address required
-10040 Socket error: Message too long
-10041 Socket error: Protocol wrong type for socket
-10042 Socket error: Bad protocol option
-10043 Socket error: Protocol not supported
-10044 Socket error: Socket type not supported
-10045 Socket error: Operation not supported
-10046 Socket error: Protocol family not supported
-10047 Socket error: Address family not supported by protocol family
-10048 Socket error: Address already in use
-10049 Socket error: Cannot assign requested address
-10050 Socket error: Network is down
-10051 Socket error: Network is unreachable
-10052 Socket error: Network dropped connection on reset
-10053 Socket error: Software caused connection abort
-10054 Socket error: Connection reset by peer
-10055 Socket error: No buffer space available
-10056 Socket error: Socket is already connected
-10057 Socket error: Socket is not connected
-10058 Socket error: Cannot send after socket shutdown
-10059 Socket error: Too many references; cannot splice
-10060 Socket error: Connection timed out
-10061 Socket error: Connection refused
-10062 Socket error: Too many levels of symbolic links
-10063 Socket error: File name too long
-10064 Socket error: Host is down
-10065 Socket error: No route to host
-10066 Socket error: Directory not empty
-10067 Socket error: Too many processes
-10068 Socket error: Too many users
-10069 Socket error: Disk quota exceeded
-10070 Socket error: Stale NFS file handle
-10071 Socket error: Too many levels of remote in path
-10091 Socket error: Network subsystem is unavailable
-10092 Socket error: WINSOCK.DLL version out of range
-10093 Socket error: Successful WSAStartup() not yet performed
-10101 Socket error: Graceful shutdown in progress
-11001 Lookup error: Host not found
-11002 Lookup error: Non-authoritative host not found
-11003 Lookup error: This is a non-recoverable error
-11004 Lookup error: Valid name, no data record of requested type
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