EDI Order Shipping Method

EDI, Import orders 850ab
Shipping method

SHIPVIA.SV_CODE = the code that is used on the order to control the Shipping method.
In order to work properly, the Ship Via list must be entered with SCAC codes.

[ picture Shipping Methods ]

Validation of Shipping Method:

[ picture EDI Order Import. Circle relevant field ]

Shipping method is controlled by OHE_SHIPVIACODE
EDI uses Standard Carrier Alpha Codes (SCAC), which determine both the shipping company and the method or level of service (Ground, 2 Day Air, etc).

Checkbox checked: OHE_GROUP lookup SHIPVIA by SHIP_SERVICE
Looks in the Shipping Method file {PF.SHIPVIA} for a record where the Shipping Service (SHIPVIA.SV_SERVICE) = OHE_GROUP.
If found, uses the SCAC field (SHIPVIA.SV_SCAC) as the OHE_SHIPVIACODE
If not found, does not change OHE_SHIPVIACODE (which means it could be blank)

Checkbox NOT checked: OHE_GROUP lookup SHIPVIA by SHIP_SERVICE

If OHE_SHIPVIACODE is blank, looks up the default shipping method for the CUSTOMER, and uses the uses the SCAC field (SHIPVIA.SV_SCAC) as the OHE_SHIPVIACODE

Looks in the Shipping Method file {PF.SHIPVIA} for a record where the SCAC (SHIPVIA.SV_SCAC) = OHE_SHIPVIACODE.
If not found, reports an error:
OK message {SCAC [OHE_SHIPVIACODE] was not found in the Ship Via list in PF.}
If found, validation passes.

It needs to find the Shipping Via record in order to assign the proper shipping method to the order.

Insert Order:

This field is used on the 810 Invoice Export
Looks in the Shipping Method file {PF.SHIPVIA} for a record where the SCAC (SHIPVIA.SV_SCAC) = OHE_SHIPVIACODE.
If found, updates the Order with SHIPVIA.SV_CODE
If not found, updates the Order with OHE_SHIPVIACODE.
In this case, the order window will not display the correct (or any) shipping method on the main window.

4/29/15 AG

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