Diagnostic Reports (PF7)

General Info
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Diagnostic Details
Connection Diagnostics

List of Diagnostic Errors and Fixes

7022: Account 3550 Balance
7173: Account 1190 Has a Negative Balance
7189: Accounts – Duplicate Account Code
7218: Account Balance on a Formatting Account
7222: Account Balance is Null
7329: Account Balance Delta (Not Self-Correcting) *Shows all dates are in balance
7329: Account Balance Delta (Self-Correcting)
7360: Accounts – Account Type Not Specified
Accounts – AR Factor Error

2006 and 2015: Invoice – Customer Mismatch
2007: Customer Diagnosis – AR, Error on Invoice
2051: Customer With No Code

6001: Inventory Kit Items With No Kit
6002: Inventory Error – Duplicate Inventory Number
6003: Blank Stock Number
6004: Inventory Movement With No Stock Number
6005: Inventory Movement with no location
6005 and 6010: Inventory Location – Invalid IQ_IVNUM, IQ_SEQ =XXX
6007: Inventory – Items With Negative Quantities
6008: Service Item With Quantities In Stock
6009: Picked more than in Stock
6011: Inventory Location XXX, Invalide IQ_AO_USER_CODE, IQ_SEQ=YYY
6012: INVENTORY Location XXX-XX*Y has a negative quantity
6013: Duplicate Inventory Location Quantity code
6016: XXXX Error, Location Quantities not in balance with totals.
6017: Duplicate Add On User Code
6019: Inventory Picked is a Negative
6020: Inventory with a qty in stock in a size that is not offered
6349: Inventory – Quantities Not In Balance
6351: Inventory Movement With No Date
6360: PO Items Not In Balance
6370: Picked Locations Not in Balance
Inventory Movement Date In The Future

2002: Invoice With No Customer
2003: Invoice – Sales Rep Misalignment
2005: No Transactions on a Posted Invoice
2006 and 2015: Invoice – Customer Mismatch
2007: Invoice – Suspect Invoice Diagnostic Error
2008 and 2009: Invoice Items Diagnosis
2011: Invoice Missing Ship Location
2014 and 3062: Duplicate Order – Invoice Number
2241: Invoice Total Error
2305: Invoice Diagnosis – Invoice Item With No Header
2306: Invoice Item with No Inventory Header
2354: Invoice With No Number
3001: Pick is Linked to Invoice Number
Compare Factor Status to the Invoice’s A/R Transactions
A/R Reports vs Balance Sheet

2014 and 3062: Duplicate Order – Invoice Number
3004: Above Order Items were NOT in balance with Order Subtotals
3005: Missing Order Header
3060: Order Item with Reserved Quantity and Invalid Pick
3230: Order xxx Has An Invoice Link, OINNUM
3308: Cancelled Order xxx has a subtotal amount of $xx.xx
3348: Order With No Number
3358: Order With Incorrect Totals
3373: Order Number Has No Line Item

Pick Tickets
3002: Pick Ticket has no Line Items
3010: Order Item with No Pick Location

6014: Parts Error – Part With No Code
6015: Parts Error – Part Code Allocation Mismatch
6018: Parts Error – Part Item with negative quantities in stock
6043: Parts Error – Duplicate Part Code
6045: Parts Error – Parts File xxx Field
6293: Parts Error – Allocations on a Complete Cut
6294: Parts Error – Part Quantity

Purchase Orders
5001: PO With No Vendor
5002: PO Item With No Stock Number
5003: Purchase Order has no items
5370: PO Item With No PO Header
5371: Embellishment Purchase Order with the wrong Size Type

2006 and 2015: Invoice – Customer Mismatch
4036 and 4039: No Transactions on a Posted Bill
7006: Trans Diagnosis – Set Number Missing
7013: Trans Diagnosis – Missing Account Number
7014: System is OUT of BALANCE, Delta = XXX
7015 and 7016: Check – Bank Mismatch
7038: Trans Diagnosis – Opening Date Out of Balance
7172: Trans Diagnosis – Post Date Missing
7175: Trans Diagnosis – DR, CR on a Single Trx
7214: Trans Diagnosis – Date Is Out of Balance
7345: Trans Diagnosis – Post Date Too Far In Future

4001: Duplicate PBL Ref
4002: AP Vendor Code Mismatch
4003: AP Bill xxx [Date], is Missing a Vendor, PBH_SEQ = xxx
4033 and 4035: Vendor With No Name
4043: Account 2100 with No Payable
4044: AP Transactions out of balance with Payable Headers
4340 and 7038: Vendor AP Out of Balance
4356: Vendor Duplicate Code

1002: Duplicate External Library
1007: The Opener File is not installed
1070 and 1362: TNData.df1 was not found in the Data File Folder. (User Guide is Missing)
1005: Connection Diagnostics
Connection Diagnostic Single Fix – Advanced
Duplicate External Library
Errors Fixed by the Diagnostic Procedure
Increasing Free Blocks
Old Version – Missing User Guide
Self-Correcting Errors

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