Menus > Maintenance
Maintenance > Programmers
PROG > Procedures > Procedure1 > Customer Import Update

After Importing customers, this procedure will automatically enter default and required fields, as follows:
CMAIL_LIST = 1, puts all customers on mail list
Calculate CUST_SHIPTO_1 as CNAME, enter Ship To Name only if blank
(from Customer name)
Calculate CUST_SHIPTO_2 as CADR1, enter Ship To Adr1 only if blank
Calculate CUST_SHIPTO_3 as CADR2, enter Ship To Adr2 only if blank
Calculate CSHIP_CITY as CCITY, enter Ship To City only if blank
Calculate CSHIP_STATE as CSTATE, enter Ship To State only if SHIPICITY is blank
Calculate CSHIP_ZIP as CZIP, enter Ship To Zip only if SHIPICITY is blank
Calculate CSHIP_COUNTRY as CCOUNTRY, enter Ship To Country only if SHIPICITY is blank
Calculate CRPCODE as ‘HOU’, Sales Rep Code = HOU only if Blank
find on RPCODE (Exact match) {CRPCODE}
Connects Repcode to Rep. You need to set up Reps with codes before Running this procedure!
CZIP, CSHIP_ZIP, adds leading zero if imported from a number field, checks length of zipcode
Calculates customer Name as the Sequence number if the Name is blank
Calculates CNAME_UPP as the upper case of CNAME, for the find function
Calculate CCODE as first char of Cname and CSEQ only if CCODE is blank
find on CT_CODE (Exact match) {CTERMS_CODE}
Calculate CTERMS as CT_DESC
Connects Customer Terms Code to Terms. You need to set up Customer Terms with codes before Running this procedure!

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