For PF5 only.

Customer Find Window can now be configured to display any fields you want!

This will allow displaying the Customer Code in any column. it will also allow users who do not use the First/last name option to get rid of those ugly commas in the display.

Sign on to PF with the Master Password

Go to the Customer window and click Find. Enter a letter or 2 and click OK to open the Customer Find Window.

3 buttons will show on the bottom of the window.

Edit Display, will allow change of display

Reset Default, will restore the PERFECT FIT Default settings

Based on Preference 50, Customer First/Last Names

Reset Saved, will load the saved setting.

Use this after upgrading to a new version, or to compare your changes with the default settings.

Some example Display Strings:
jst(CNAME,’20X’,’ ‘,’2X’,CCITY,’10X’,’ ‘,’2X’,CCODE,’8X’)
jst(CCODE,’8X’,CNAME,’30X’,’ ‘,’2X’,CCITY,’10X’, CSTATE,’3X’)
jst(CNAME,’20X’,’ ‘,’2X’,con(CLAST_NAME,’, ‘,CFIRST_NAME),’30’,CCITY,’10X’)

Standard default:
“jst(CNAME,’20x’,’ ‘,’2x’,CCITY,’10x’,’ ‘,’2x’,CSTATE,’6x’,CCODE,’8′)”

Standard default if First/Last Names are used:
“con(jst(CNAME,20),’ ‘,CCITY,’, ‘,CSTATE,’ ‘,CLAST_NAME,’, ‘,CFIRST_NAME,’ ‘,CCODE)”

Note: If you resize this window before clicking Edit Display, it will remember your size and position.

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