Download a Test Data file from our Customer Service Download page.
Select the file that matches the size grid that you use.
Put the Test Data File in the PFShared folder so everyone can access it.

By using our test data file you will have access to most of the modules in PF, even if you haven’t purchased them for your real data file.

Alternate method:

We do not recommend this procedure. We have seen customers get confused about where their real data is. It is prefereable to use one of our test data files, and set the preferences in the test file to match your real data file.

Make copy of PFDATA (your real data file, and segments if needed) and rename it PFDATA_TEST.df1
If multiple segments are in use, all segments must have exactly the same name except for the extension (df1, df2, etc)

Go to File > Change Data files to Select the PFDATA_TEST.df1
Then go to
Maintenance > Programmers > PROG > Procedures > General > Convert to Test Data.

This procedure will modify the selected data file (with lots of warning messages) by changing the company name to TEST Company…, and changing the data file type to T.

Note: You CAN NOT open a data file by double clicking on it! You can only open a data file by opening PERFECT FIT, and then going to File > Change Data Files, and select the data file you wish to open.

Last revised: 10/26/12 AG

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