To create a budget by period within Perfect Fit go to Menus > Ledger > Ledger > Budget
Select either the “Single Month” or “Full Year Beginning” and enter the desired month or year. Note that if you choose Full Year Beginning it will divide the dollar amount you enter by the number of months in the year. I.e. You press Full Year Beginning and enter $120 in account 1100 the number you enter by the amount of months. If you only want to see Income accounts in the list then check the “Income Accounts Only” box. Press “OK”. The window will load a list of accounts, descriptions, and dollar amounts.
Press “Edit” and select the desired line and enter the desired budget amount. Press “OK” when finished.
You can print a list of all the accounts that have a budget entered via the “Print” button.
Alternatively, you can budget individual ledger accounts via Menus > Ledger and click the “Budget” button in the Account Category window.
Revised by SH-10/22/19
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