Accounts Receivable Error.
Aged A/R Reports do not agree with the Balance Sheet when run for a Past Date.
A/R Error

1. Receivable Transactions (Account 1200 or 1210) will not be linked to a source document (Invoice) or Customer if they were entered in the General Ledger Journal.

Run: Diagnostics > Other Accounting > AR TRX with No Customer or Invoice.

If the net balance of all unlinked transactions is 0.00, for the point in time specified, then this is not an error.

2. All A/R Transactions linked to an invoice must total so the sum of the DR minus the sum of the CR = the Invoice Balance Due.

All A/R Transactions must have a Post Date of on or after the Invoice Date.
A transaction can not be posted to a document that doesn’t exist.

Run: Diagnostics > Other Accounting > Invoice AR Transactions

3. Changing the Factor Status of an invoice may cause an A/R discrepancy.
If the Invoice date is before the “As Of” date, and the status is changed on or after the “As Of” Date, then the discrepancy will be the amount of the Factor accounting change.
Details here.
We now recommend that Factored A/R gets posted to the same account as regular A/R
See Preferences > Invoices > Factor tabpane.

Revised 5/26/2017, AG

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