Adjust Prepayment Account


Adjust a Customer Prepayment account against a user selected GL account.

This is a rare circumstance, and as far as we know would only be used to correct data entry without affecting the bank balance.
The customer prepaid balance is wrong.

Warning: Uses the Programmer’s window. High level access and knowledge of accounting is required.

Determine if the prepayment has been assigned to an order. If so, the order will need to be edited using the Programmer’s window.

On the customer window, make note of the Customer Code
Customer window > A/R TRX > Prepayments button
Note whether the adjusting transaction needs to be a Debit or a Credit to offset the amount in question.

Menus > Ledger
Ledger > General Journal
Enter the Prepayment Adjusting amount against Account 2600, Customer Prepayments
Enter the offsetting account as determined by your accounting requirements.
Click OK
Click the Trx Inspect button to open the Transaction Inspector
Double click the Transaction on account 2600
On the Transaction Details window, click Edit
Enter the Customer Code
Hit TAB to confirm the customer name
Click OK to save the transaction
Click the Customer button to jump to the Customer window
Click A/R TRX
You will get a message that the customer prepaid balance does not agree with Transactions.
Click OK
Next message asked you to fix it. Answer Yes.

Look at the prepayments window and the customer Prepaid field to confirm the results are what you want.


Revised 8/20/13 AG

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